Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore
For church staff and leaders. Discover stories and practical tools that your leadership can implement at your church.
Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore: Action Plan
Bring together your small groups, ministry teams and leaders to dig deep into how you can start to apply each of the acts of love to every area of your church with this workbook.
Why Nobody Wants to be Around Christians Anymore
The 4 Acts of Love are actions that take hold of your life. You too can start implementing these simple acts into your marriage, your life, your friendships and your community.
Join the discussion and learn more at WhyNobody.com.
When God Left the Building
Director Thom Schultz set out on a journey to discover why churches—once the heart and soul of their communities—are now shrinking in both size and influence. What he discovered serves as a powerful wake-up call to church leaders.
Church Refugees
Discover the major reasons your church may be in danger of losing its strongest members–and what you can do to keep them.
Jesus-Centered Bible
Encounter Jesus in a fresh way throughout the entire Bible. Blue lettering highlights more than 600 passages in the Old Testament pointing to Jesus–references and promises that show God’s love story for your life.