(A letter found on a desk at church)

I appreciate what you’re trying to do with “family ministry” at church. And I know you’re disappointed in me and the other parents.

I know I should do more to teach our kids in the ways of the Lord. You’ve given us a lot of stuff to do at home. I know you’ve told us it’s our job to raise our kids “in the Word.” I know you want us to do church at home.

But, I must admit, that never happens. We just don’t have the time or the expertise. I don’t have the Bible knowledge or the theological correctness that you emphasize at church. And since I don’t, it’s just easier to avoid it altogether. I don’t want to make an error.

Through your sermons and Bible studies and classes, it’s obvious you love to teach. And that’s what church is all about, I guess. But I’m not sure you understand what I want for my kids. I really don’t care if they turn into little theologians. I just want them to know that Jesus is real, that he loves them, that they can trust him, and that he wants to be their friend.

I’ve noticed that my kids have picked up those things at home in unplanned, spontaneous ways. Last week I heard our oldest boy talking with a friend. He’s been worried about his sick grandma. And he told his friend how he overheard his mom and dad (us!) talking about how Grandma is in God’s hands.

That’s how it works in our family. I just wish we could get a little better at letting our faith naturally leak out at home.

I was wondering if you could help us with that at church. I know you’re used to doing all the talking. And you’re very good at it. I could never talk like you do. But would you ever consider giving up some of your talk time to let us talk—to let us actually practice talking about our faith? Maybe we could even do that when our kids could join in, or at least overhear us.

It’s just a thought. I know you’re busy working on next week’s lesson.

A Concerned Parent